Donating to All Saints

Donating is even easier than before, we can now accept cheques and as such is the preferred option instead of sending any form of cash in the post. If you would rather not send an electronic transfer, a cheque to the All Saints PCC is the preferred alternative. All donations are much appreciated, especially at this particular time.

Our Garden

St Aidan's church was built on virtually the last remaining space in Herbert Road, in a garden left in the midst of the surrounding houses and to a considerable extent at the hands of parishioners themselves. The church building was, as it were, slotted into the remaining space, and it is this no doubt that accounts for it not being aligned east to west, but 30 degrees off to the north. The first portion of the church - chancel, guild chapel and to bays of the nave - was completed in 1894 and dedicated in October 1896.

Like any garden, the church garden is a work in progress and can change over time.

A view into the garden from the patio in summer 2021

The bottom of the garden where it is warmer, a bench for resting near the raised beds and the greenhouse. Picture taken summer 2021.

There are a number of sections in the middle of the garden, including a Coronation patch, Edith Holden area, a bible garden and an area for indoor/outdoor plants.

A view of some of the garden sections.

The Active Wellbeing Society have a scheme where they compost all kitchen peelings etc and grow vegetables in the warmer area towards the bottom of the garden.

The group meet in the garden on Tuesdays 10:30am to 12:30.