
The All Saints Small Heath Facebook site can be found here.

Donating to All Saints

Donating is even easier than before, we can now accept cheques and as such is the preferred option instead of sending any form of cash in the post. All donations are much appreciated, especially at this particular time.

Video Channel

If you're looking for our video library, including recording of past services and messages, you can view these by following our link to the YouTube channel.


The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the Church. If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Hyacinth Wright on 07958 213443. For further information please see our safeguarding page.

The Bishop of Birmingham's Safeguarding Adviser is Steph Haines who can be contacted on 07342 993844 or via email here.

All Saints Church

Consecrated in 1896 and affectionately known as the 'Cathedral of the backstreets', All Saints Small Heath is an Anglo-Catholic Parish Church of the Church of England with roots in the Oxford Movement and a proud tradition of serving its vibrant and diverse community with an active programme of worship and outreach. We are a Forward in Faith parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet.
The parish lies just outside the city centre area, and is part of the Diocese of Birmingham, in the Archdeaconry of Aston and the Deanery of Yardley and Bordesley. We are here for everyone, whatever your experience of faith. Through awe inspiring worship which celebrates the life-changing presence of Jesus Christ, we work together to enable everyone to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and endeavouring to reach out to those in need. Our clergy seek to offer simple, accessible teaching, and skilled pastoral care, combining this with nurturing relationships between those of different faiths in the local community. We look forward to welcoming you to our church.


We will be joining forces with St. Alban's Highgate for a trip to Walsingham on the weekend of 27th September. Please let fr. Julian know if you are interested in going.

Helping you...

Most of us have times in our lives when:

  • our children are born and we want to give thanks to God
  • our relationships need to be strengthened or made permanent before God
  • someone significant in our lives is very ill or dies
  • we want to celebrate or give thanks
  • we need encouragement
  • we want to find meaning and purpose, to change and to know who we really are

Please note that Baptisms, Weddings and Blessings are all arranged by seeing our Parish Officer on Sunday Mornings after attending the regular 10:30am Mass. Telephone enquiries or email requests are welcome, but firm bookings are made in person by coming to All Saints Church on a convenient Sunday.

Please make sure that any family or friends wishing to make bookings are aware of this.